Arissa did a quiz on-line to find out why she could not keep a man. The result came out that she’s too annoying. She scowled at the computer screen and think that there are more annoying people out there and what happened to them? Well, they got married. And reproduce.
Cheap shot.
She read a tweet of someone who seems to have it going – a great job, fashionable, oversea work trips and vacations. In short, those are the benchmarks opposite the other group – married, kids, and well-documented decorated house and who’s who on their Facebook and Instagram.
Among other things.
Back to that someone again – he said he’s deactivating his online social networks, unplugging himself from too much information. Arissa felt for him. It might be a different story but to her, nothing will ever come close to what will always stay inside your heart. One can erase every virtual trace but as long as you’re still living and breathing, you might just need to learn living with what your heart, feeling and mind has gone through with that one person you can never get that disclosure from.
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